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Another great mayhem filled game made with raylib.


Thank you!

This is great! How long did it take you? Also, what did you find the most challenging using raylib and C?

C was the most challenging, especially within this timeframe. Also the compiling and make files, I have a PHP background, so no compiling there. Raylib is easy to use.

My favorite so far, especially the theme, art, and sounds

Thank you! I've had a lot of fun creating it!

Sadly couldn't play it easily due to up-down arrow keys moving the scrollbar. Can you also upload the desktop version if it's allowed? The game looks super fun though. Especially loved the CRT monitor effect :D

(2 edits)

I will later this week! Currently the game jam isn't allowing me to upload new files. In the meantime you can try pressing 1, 2 and 3 to realize the game.